Puppy Perfect: Comprehensive Pre-Puppy Consultation & New Puppy Training

Setting you and your puppy up for success

The excitement of bringing a new puppy home can quickly be replaced with feelings of 'What on earth have I done?' especially when you aren't fully prepared.  

Puppies are hard work and many people find themselves out of depth quickly with their puppy's behaviour and needs.  

As a Certified and recognised puppy specialist these services have been created to give you and your puppy the very best start together with one of our one to one Training options for new puppy owners held either in person or online via Zoom - We have something for everyone!

90 Minute Pre-Puppy Consultation

This consultation is the perfect prep if you are considering which breed will suit your lifestyle or you are counting down the days until you pick your new puppy up to bring them home.  This consultation is the ideal place to start for those new to dog ownership or those requiring some extra support.

Bespoke to you, we will cover:

  • Breed specific needs
  • Give you advice on equipment to buy before puppy comes home
  • Walk you through your first 7-days
  • Guide you on how to get started with toilet training
  • Give you strategies to help your puppy settle into their new home
  • Give you guidance to help your children understand their puppy's needs 
  • Help you understand how to start socialisation before they have received their full vaccinations so they get a great start
  • Help you understand what your puppy will need at different stages of the next few months
  • Enrichment options suitable for puppies

For those yet to choose their puppy:

  • We will look at your lifestyle and help you with breeds that will compliment your life
  • We will discuss the key questions to ask your breeder
  • We will help you understand what to look for when choosing your puppy from the litter
  • We will discuss financial implications of deciding to bring a puppy into your home
  • We will cover coat shedding and grooming needs
  • We will talk you through setting up your home ready for when you bring puppy home
  • We will discuss other considerations of your life such as introducing to other pets & children
  • The importance of breed specific outlets
  • We will cover legal implications of dog ownership

90 Minute New Puppy Training Session

BIG NEWS!! - You do not have to wait for your puppy to join puppy classes to give them the best start in life - What puppy learns first, they learn best, so get them started right from day one and give them the absolutely best start.

How our training will help you:

  • We will show you how to get started with your training so you start to see results straight away.
  • We will help to guide your children on the best way to interact and handle the puppy
  • We will show you how to manage the 'normal' puppy behaviours of puppy biting, toileting, barking and more so you know what to expect when and how to get through them.
  • We will guide you on how to introduce them to the world so they have great experiences they can learn from
  • We will help you learn how to build calmness and great manners as well as normal training such as lead walking, car travel, sleep success - the list goes on.
  • We will help you build a fantastic bond with your new puppy so they feel safe and supported in their new home.
  • Follow on sessions or class options available should you wish to continue

No matter where you are located you can benefit from these services as we offer these online as well as face to face,  we do not have to be with you in person to give you all the advice and training you need to get you and your puppy started on the magical road to success - All our training comes fully supported, so whether in person or virtually you will receive all the information we cover in your very own training hub. 

Risk Free - Mull it Over Guarantee 

We want everyone that books with us to be excited about their upcoming training and be eager to attend but we understand that sometimes we can book things in the excitement of the moment and then have a change of heart so for this reason we are giving you the RISK FREE option of a full 7 days to really mull it over and receive a full refund (minus any processing fees) if you decide that the training you have booked is not for you - See our full Terms & Conditions for more information.

Course Pricing

90 Minute Puppy Training Session


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90 Minute Pre-Puppy Consultation


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Welcome to Dogwarts K9 Academy where I help stressed out dog parents overcome their dog training struggles and fall back in love with their dog again with pressure free, fun training techniques that get real life results.

Helping all dogs but specialising in Reactivity & Anxiety cases.  

When you work with me you get the training your dog would choose if they were given the chance to pick a trainer. Why? Because my training helps you to understand your dog, to speak their language to help you understand the real meaning behind their behaviour which creates an unbelievable relationship of trust that enables you to get wonderful results.

I do not use and will not recommend any aversive training methods so you can be assured that the training you receive is judgement free, pressure free and fear free. I will never use intimidation to get results but instead use fun techniques that your dog can relate to, learns with, and puts the joy back into your training time together. When you work with your dog this way, your results really do become unstoppable.

I help you to break it all down, help you understand your dog’s go to response, pick up on the triggers (these may not be what you think they are) then we work together to bring hope back into your lives.

From dogs that have escaped war-torn countries to dogs that need help to learn that not everything in the environment is something to worry about, I have helped dogs with lead reactivity, dog/people reactivity, noise reactivity and separation related reactivity, I have helped them to reshape and rebuild their emotions so they can live their lives with less anxious reactivity and experience more adventures with joy.