Defence Against the Dark Barks - Reactive Dog Training Packages

For dogs that bark, lunge and struggle on walks and in life
Reactive dog training
Reactive dog training on lead

One to One Reactive Dog Training

One-to-one reactive dog training is a personalised approach to addressing behavioural struggles in dogs that tend to react negatively or fearfully in certain situations.  This type of training is via vet referral only that requires completion of a simple form for you to sign that includes your vet’s details and confirmation of a recent check up prior to our session.  Working closely with you, we develop a tailored training plan that focuses on desensitising your dog to triggers, teaching alternative behaviours, and building trust and confidence in your dog.  Through consistent practice and positive reinforcement, one-to-one reactive dog training aims to help your dog overcome its reactivity and improve its overall behaviour and well-being 

  • Do you feel like there is no hope for your dog?    
  • Are your walks like a military operation, planned to avoid every possible distraction? 
  • Is your life becoming nocturnal as you only brave the outside when the rest of the world sleeps?
  • Do your find yourself ducking and diving into the nearest bush or behind a car when you see something that might trigger your dog?   
  • Do you feel that people are judging you or that they are labeling your dog as out of control, aggressive or badly behaved? 
  • Do you feel that you have made a massive mistake and long for the life you had before bringing your dog into your life? 
  • Is your dog tearing your family apart instead of bringing it together? 
  • Do you feel lost, emotional and alone with nowhere to turn? 
  •  Do you feel helpless to know how to help your dog with reactivity and anxiety?

You are exactly where you need to be as WE CAN HELP YOU!

  • Certified Canine Reactivity Specialist and Licensed Reactive Rascal Instructor with the Dog Training College 
  • Certified Michael Shikashio Aggression in Dogs Master
  • A Certified & Recognised Scentwork Specialist (ideal for reactive dogs)
  • Learn to identify what is REALLY TRIGGERING your dog 
  • Learn whether their response is a FLIGHT, FIGHT, FREEZE or FOOL AROUND response and what to do about it
  • Learn how to HELP them to Manage and Regulate their emotions 
  • Help your dog to see that the things that make them react are NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT 
  • Watch the MAGIC happen right in front of your eyes 🧙‍♂️
  • Learn the tactics that will grow your confidence so you can finally help your dog and be their No.1 ADVOCATE

The Labels

  • "Reactive" 
  • "Aggressive"
  • "Disobedient" 
  • "Untrainable"
  • "Anxious" 
  • "Beyond hope"
  • "Out of Control" 
  • "Nightmare"

The Myths

  • 'Positive reinforcement training doesn't work for reactive dogs'
  • 'You can only solve pulling on lead with shock or prong collars'
  • 'Extreme training methods are needed for big dogs'
  • 'You need to show your dog who's boss - be the pack leader'
  • 'Little dogs are aggressive because they have big dog syndrome'

The Truth

  • Your dog is not trying to give you a hard time, they are having a HARD TIME!
  • Training should be FUN NOT Fearful
  • Training in the situation DOES NOT help your dog to manage their emotions
  • Dogs do not come knowing how to manage our human world - It can be a very scary place
  • We are the only species that expects another species to understand our language when we don't give the time to understand theirs.  BE PATIENT & KIND!!

What Our Clients Say

"I'm absolutely delighted with the progression that my reactive dog has made in just five weeks with Tracy. She really must be part-wizard!"

 "I took my 2 year old border terrier, Jeff, to Tracy after he began barking at other dogs after an attack by an off lead dog whilst he was on lead and also another incident where he ran off after a herd of deer! Training is the highlight of his week. Tracy explains things so well and training is fun and really works. Jeff is much calmer and confident now and Tracy has an explained the importance of games based training for stimulating Jeff’s brain. Recently we have undertaken scent training which he also loves. Jeff is not a dog who wanted to engage in discipline based training and that is not something I would have wanted for him. We are on a lifetime training journey. Thanks so much Tracy.

"I certainly recommend the Dogwarts K9 Academy to everyone but especially to those ones who are struggling with some behavioural issues. You'll notice changes after the first 2 weeks!"


Dog showing mild reactivity

For dogs displaying minor episodes of reactivity

  • Training session tailored to your needs including how to promote calmness
  • Information to help identify & manage your dog's  triggers
  • Comprehensive note and progress plan
  • 2 Hours (face to face or online)
  • Discounted add on sessions if needed
  • £100 when booked with any other service
Dog reactive on lead

For dogs reactive when on lead

  • Initial Consultation - Carried out Online
  • 1-2-1 training sessions tailored to your needs 
  • 3 x 1 hour sessions (face to face or online)
  • Comprehensive notes after each session
  • Support between sessions (during working hours)
  • Discounted add on sessions if needed
Dog showing severe reactivity

For dogs that are reactive to many things

  • Initial Consultation - Carried out Online 
  • 1-2-1 training sessions tailored to your needs 
  • 5 x 1 hour sessions (face to face or online) 
  • Comprehensive notes after each session 
  • Support between sessions (during working hours)
  • Discounted add on sessions if needed

Training will be held at your home or if deemed not suitable will be held at one of our training venues or a secure field near your location, the cost of the hall or field will be billable to you.  

Don't want to pay for mileage or hall/field hire, this package is also available as an online option

 Your time of feeling helpless, hopeless and alone is over - Let us help you to transform your dog's reactivity!

Person and dog enjoying the park together

Risk Free 

We offer you the FREE Discovery Call so we can discuss your issues, explain how we work and go over how we can help you.   If you decide to work with us by progressing to the transformation plan, a one off payment will be required to start our journey together.

Course Pricing

Tracy Hancock

Welcome to Dogwarts K9 Academy where I help stressed out dog parents overcome their dog training struggles and fall back in love with their dog again with pressure free, fun training techniques that get real life results.

Helping all dogs but specialising in Reactivity & Anxiety cases.  

When you work with me you get the training your dog would choose if they were given the chance to pick a trainer. Why? Because my training helps you to understand your dog, to speak their language to help you understand the real meaning behind their behaviour which creates an unbelievable relationship of trust that enables you to get wonderful results.

I do not use and will not recommend any aversive training methods so you can be assured that the training you receive is judgement free, pressure free and fear free. I will never use intimidation to get results but instead use fun techniques that your dog can relate to, learns with, and puts the joy back into your training time together. When you work with your dog this way, your results really do become unstoppable.

I help you to break it all down, help you understand your dog’s go to response, pick up on the triggers (these may not be what you think they are) then we work together to bring hope back into your lives.

From dogs that have escaped war-torn countries to dogs that need help to learn that not everything in the environment is something to worry about, I have helped dogs with lead reactivity, dog/people reactivity, noise reactivity and separation related reactivity, I have helped them to reshape and rebuild their emotions so they can live their lives with less anxious reactivity and experience more adventures with joy.